
Posts Tagged ‘eeepc’

A word of advice to EEE users: If you’re in Advanced Desktop Mode, DO NOT upgrade all packages in Synaptic. (I know, if you don’t use an eee or some Linux system only 25% of the words in that sentence mean anything. I know.) Because it will cause your eee to go into a boot loop which you do not have sufficient knowledge to fix, even with a free morning and lots of googling, and you will have to restore your computer to factory settings and lose all the emails you’ve received in the past six weeks, including ones with audition dates and bookers’ emails and reference letters in them.

Because I really, really should have known better, this being about the 4th time I’ve done this exact thing, I’m not that pissed off. And my inbox was getting awfully full and unwieldly anyway, and I don’t need any reference letters right now. And the only audition I have coming up is on February 4. And I have that booker’s email address written down somewhere else.

And to stop this from happening in the future, I have acquired a copy of “Linux for Dummies” and am thinking of taking a Linux class, because obviously I am not to be trusted with root access without some more training.

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